06 novembro 2024

Write as You Mean It


Write , boys, as you mean it

No matter the words, just the flow of the heart

No Matter the Sound, just the conscience

No Matter the vibe, just the pen for a start.

Write , Girls, are you born to it

No Matter the boobs , just the inner body

No Matter the Emotions, just the true self

Nothing matter, the pen fills everything else

Surrender, feel the words without having been written

Accept the legacy you are creating in it

Rejoice your soul, you are sharing yourself

In a world of letters nothing count, just ask someone else

Trust me, poetry brings your soul to the podium

Literature brings your soul to a epic rollercoster

You are the champion of this epogy

You need no other voice to the roster.

Rise, fellow drunks, lets be drunk

Rise , unbeatten poets, lets be addicted

Nothing can hold our mind apart

Nothing have to mean it